The Problem: You have too much information.

You have a personal phone number, email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more ways for people to connect with you. You also have a professional life that most likely includes a work phone number, work email, company address, website, Linkedin, Facebook Fan Page, Pinterest, a Youtube channel; the list goes on.


Simplify how you connect with LetsMARK. Control your brand to increase anyone’s engagement with you, and build a smarter rolodex.

When you send your contact, leave your mark.

Control your brand - Share relevant personal or professional info with anyone, even if they don’t have the app.

Increase engagement - Easily be found by name, profession or company to enhance how anyone connects with you.

Build a smarter rolodex - Automatically keep all your contacts, from your phone book and social networks, organized and up-to-date.

Your MARK may include:

- Social networks
- Contact Information
- *Spotlight -showcase relevant content (Listing, Product, Service, Portfolio Work, etc.)

The benefits to sending your MARK to anyone:

- Instant access to relevant information.
- Nobody has to manually input info, when saving a contact.
- Easily found by Name, Profession and Company.
- Enhances engagement with you, increase anyones ability to contact you online or in real life.